MultipleChat Resources

As a user of MultipleChat, it's never been easier to leverage multiple AI models for your specific needs. Learn how to use ChatGPT-4o, Gemini 1.5 Flash, and Claude 3.5 Sonnet as your AI co-pilots for any task. With our structured resources, you'll learn how to create, analyze, and compare AI responses like a pro.

Content Generation

Prompt library

Discover prompts that will make your life easier

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Content Generation

User, AI and second AI to improve both

Make the most of the AI revolution

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Content Generation

Send the same prompt to 3 Models

Easily compare and choose the best

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Content Generation

A provan approach to democraticise - Plurality

MultipleChat as an attempt to solve to democraticise the AI

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Content Generation

Use MultipleChat for Content Generation

Learn how to leverage MultipleChat for efficient content creation.

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Content Generation

Multiplechat where AI models learn

How MultipleChat enables AI models to learn from each other

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Academic Research

Use MultipleChat for Academic Research

Discover how MultipleChat can enhance your academic research process.

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Academic Research

ChatGPT vs. Gemini

Which one serves you better? ChatGPT or Gemini?

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Academic Research

ChatGPT4 vs. ChatGPT-4o

What is the difference between chatgpt and chatgpt4o

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Academic Research

Claude Sonnet vs. Claude others

Difference between latest Claude models?

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Academic Research

Claude Sonnet for Frontend

Why Claude Sonnet excels at writing frontend code?

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Academic Research

ChatGPT vs. Claude

Discover how MultipleChat can enhance your academic research process.

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MultipleChat for Law

Best AI prompts for lawyers

How MultipleChat can assist in legal research and practice.

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MultipleChat for Law

Best AI prompts for software developers

How MultipleChat can assist in software development!

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MultipleChat for Law

Best AI prompts for SEO Experts

How MultipleChat can assist in increasing your website's visibility!

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